What is the best defense against choking?
- Never eat or drink while lying down.
- Don't talk or laugh with food or drink in your mouth.
- Make sure food is cut into small pieces, especially for children and the elderly.
- Avoid hard, sticky foods, such as nuts, popcorn, candy, and gum.
- Never give a child under 4 years old food that is a choking hazard, such as hot dogs, grapes, or hard candy.
- If you have difficulty swallowing, see your doctor.
If someone is choking, stay calm and follow these steps:
1. Call 911 immediately.
2. If the person is conscious and can speak, encourage them to cough.
3. If the person is unconscious or unable to speak, give five back blows. To do this, stand behind the person and deliver a sharp blow to the person's upper back between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand.
4. If the person is still choking, give five chest thrusts. To do this, kneel next to the person and place the heel of one hand on the person's sternum between the nipples. Place your other hand over your first hand and interlace your fingers. Give five quick, downward thrusts, compressing the chest about 2 inches.
5. Continue giving back blows and chest thrusts until the person begins to breathe again, the object is expelled, or help arrives.
Note: If the person is pregnant or obese, give abdominal thrusts instead of chest thrusts. To do this, place your hands on the person's abdomen just above the navel. Give five quick, upward thrusts, compressing the abdomen inward and upward.
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