How pretend to drink if you dont want to?

Here are a few tips on how to pretend to drink if you don't want to:

1. Hold your drink with poise. Practice the gesture of lifting the glass to your lips and taking a sip. Make it look natural.

2. Take small sips. Keep the drink in contact with your lips for only a brief moment, and don't swallow it right away. Swish the liquid around in your mouth for a second or two before pretending to swallow.

3. Look confident. Even if you're feeling uncomfortable, try to look relaxed and confident. Maintain eye contact with the people you're talking to and smile as you sip your drink.

4. Talk and laugh. Engage in conversation and laughter while you're holding your drink. This will make it less obvious that you're not actually drinking.

5. Excuse yourself if you need to. If you feel like you're going to get caught, politely excuse yourself and step away. You can pretend to use the restroom or get some fresh air.

Remember, it's always okay to say no if you don't want to drink. You can also set boundaries and limit yourself to a certain number of drinks if you're feeling uncomfortable. Your health and safety are the most important things.

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