Is it bad if your balls hang low?
However, if your balls are hanging unusually low, it could be a sign of a medical condition, such as:
* Testicular torsion: This is a condition in which the testicles twist, cutting off the blood supply. It is a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment.
* Hydrocele: This is a condition in which fluid builds up in the scrotum. It can cause the testicles to appear swollen and heavy.
* Inguinal hernia: This is a condition in which a part of the intestine or other abdominal organ protrudes through a weak spot in the groin. It can cause pain and swelling in the scrotum.
If you are concerned about the appearance of your balls, it is a good idea to talk to a doctor. They can rule out any underlying medical conditions and recommend treatment if necessary.
Here are some additional tips for keeping your balls healthy:
* Wear loose-fitting underwear.
* Avoid sitting for long periods of time.
* Take breaks from strenuous activity.
* Keep your testicles clean.
* See a doctor if you notice any changes in the appearance or feel of your testicles.