What tools would the EMT or paramedic use for person that had there throat cut and how they them?
1. Airway Adjuncts:
- Oropharyngeal Airway (OPA) or Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA): These are plastic tubes inserted through the mouth or nose to help establish a clear airway. They prevent the tongue from blocking the airway and allow air to flow into the lungs.
2. Bag-Valve Mask (BVM):
- This is a hand-held device used for providing positive pressure ventilation. The EMT or paramedic squeezes the BVM to deliver oxygen-enriched air into the patient's lungs, assisting with breathing.
3. Suction Device:
- A suction device is used to clear any blood or secretions that may obstruct the airway. It helps maintain a clear path for breathing.
4. Hemostatic Agents:
- These include materials such as gauze or hemostatic dressings used to control bleeding from the cut throat. Applying pressure and using these materials helps reduce blood loss.
5. Intravenous (IV) Fluids:
- IV lines are established to provide fluids and medications to the patient. They help maintain blood pressure and support the body's vital functions.
6. Cricothyroidotomy Kit:
- In cases where conventional airway management is not possible due to the severity of the throat injury, a cricothyroidotomy kit may be used. This kit contains a needle and cannula that is inserted into the cricothyroid membrane to create an emergency airway.
7. Oxygen Delivery Devices:
- EMTs or paramedics may administer oxygen through nasal cannulas or oxygen masks to supplement the patient's breathing.
8. Cervical Collar:
- A cervical collar is used to stabilize the patient's neck and minimize movement, particularly if there is a suspected injury to the cervical spine.
9. Portable Ventilator:
- If the patient's breathing is severely compromised, a portable ventilator may be utilized to provide mechanical ventilation and assist with gas exchange.
10. Trauma Board:
- For patients with significant trauma, a trauma board or long backboard is used to immobilize the entire body, including the neck, to prevent further injury.
It's important to note that the specific tools and techniques used by EMTs or paramedics may vary depending on the severity of the throat injury and the patient's condition. Their primary objective is to stabilize the patient, maintain a clear airway, and control bleeding until more definitive care can be provided at a medical facility.