How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver for Upper Airway Distress
A Conscious Patient
Stand behind the sitting or standing choking victim. Reach around his waist with your arms.
Make a fist with your dominant hand and place it, thumb side in, just above the choking victim's navel. Grab your fist with your other hand.
Jerk your fists up and in -- quickly -- using the strength of both arms.
Repeat until the foreign object is expelled or the victim loses consciousness. If the victim passes out, lay him on the floor and perform the Heimlich Maneuver for unconscious patients.
An Unconscious Patient
Roll the choking victim onto his back, preferably onto a solid surface.
Straddle the victim facing his head.
Make a fist with one hand and cover it with your opposite hand. Push your grasped fist up and into the patients abdomen, quickly, just above his navel.
Repeat procedure as needed, until foreign object is expelled.
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- How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver
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