Heimlich Instructions
Children Over One and Adults
Make sure the person is conscious, responsive and aware. If possible, call out to another person to start dialing 911 while your perform the Heimlich maneuver, in case emergency assistance is needed.
Stand with your front to the choking person's back. Create a firm stance with one foot in front of the other. Reach around and hug the person's waist, squatting slightly if necessary.
Create a fist, with your thumb against the point just above the center of the person's stomach. Use your other hand to firmly grip your fist.
Pull your fist backward, into the person's abdomen at an upward angle, in five successive short, sharp thrusts. The thrusts will push air out of the airways, which will help force the lodged object up and out. When thrusting, use moderate force for children and stronger force for adults. If the object remains lodged, wait a second then apply five more successive thrusts.
Infants Under One
Ensure that the child is fully choking, and is not coughing or crying. If the infant is coughing and crying from something that is stuck but not fully choking the infant, wait a second to see if a lodged object comes up naturally.
Lay the baby face down over your knees in a position where the head is slightly lower than the body. Support the baby's chest and chin in one hand.
Strike the baby five times firmly between the shoulder blades with the butt of the palm of your other hand.
Call out to someone to call 911, if the baby continues to choke. Turn the baby over and position two fingers at the lower end of the chest. Press down firmly with five thrusts to reattempt to release the lodged object. Rotate the baby, performing alternating back and front thrusts, until the object releases. Stop and allow for professional, medical assistance if the baby loses consciousness.