CPR Protocol
Recognizing the Problem
When you first realize someone is unconscious or unresponsive, act quickly. Gently shake the person and shout at him to see if he is OK. If there is no response, call 911 immediately.
While the person is lying on her back, gently tilt the head back, lower your ear to her mouth and listen for breathing. If you do not feel or hear breathing, or breathing is irregular, pinch the person’s nose and cover her mouth with yours. Breathe twice into her mouth for one second each time. The chest should rise with each breath.
If the person does not start to show signs of breathing by moving or coughing, begin to give chest compressions. Place your hands on the chest between the nipples, and press down on the chest 1½ to 2 inches 30 times. Try to push 100 times per minute.
After giving chest compressions for one cycle, check to see if the person is responsive. Again, tilt the head back, lower your ear to his mouth and listen for breathing. Also look to see if the chest is rising.
If the person is still unresponsive, repeat the cycle of giving two breaths, then administering chest compressions. Continue this cycle until help arrives.