How to Inhale a Cigar Without Coughing
First, you're not really inhaling a cigar so keep that in mind. Properly smoking a cigar involves puffing on it to savor the flavor and aroma of the tobacco rather than taking the smoke into your lungs. If approached correctly, smoking a cigar shouldn't make you cough. There are several steps to follow to fully experience smoking a quality cigar.Things You'll Need
- Cigar
- Cigar cutter
- Butane lighter or match
- Ashtray
Use a good, sharp cigar cutter to make a clean and even cut to the cigar head (the end that goes in your mouth). The two most popular cutters are the guillotine (two blades are squeezed together) and the punch (punches out a hole in the cigar head that is easily removed). If you use a guillotine-style cutter, only cut away the very tip of the head. Keep in mind that a punch may be easier for a beginning cigar smoker to use.
Light the cigar. Never use an oil-based cigarette lighter (i.e., Zippo-style) to light a cigar as it will ruin the flavor. Instead, use a butane lighter or good old-fashioned match. If using a match, wait a few seconds to let the sulfur burn off before using it on the cigar. Hold the cigar in your hand (not in your mouth) and toast the end of the cigar by allowing the flame to dance up to the cigar rather than touching it directly to the lighter or match. After toasting the end, gently puff on the cigar while rotating it above the flame until it's evenly lit.
Puff on it but don't actually inhale, once the cigar is evenly lit. Take the smoke into your mouth and over your tongue to taste it. Never take the smoke into your lungs. Puff into your mouth, savor the flavor and blow the smoke out of your mouth. Puff once every 30 to 60 seconds to avoid overheating the cigar. Cigar smoking should be approached in a relaxed manner, never hurried, to savor the flavor.
Put it to rest when the cigar begins to change flavor and becomes harsh tasting, which can happen anywhere from half to three-quarters of the way down. You'll rarely smoke a cigar all the way down to the band. Place the cigar in an ashtray and allow it to go out on its own in a minute or two. Never squash it out.