How to Perform a Tracheotomy
Things You'll Need
- Razor blade, scalpel or sharp knife
- Straw or tube from stick pen, refill removed
- A cardboard tube could work as well
- First aid kit if available
- Rubber gloves
Perform the Heimlich maneuver at least three times before proceeding: That is, grab the victim securely around the back with your arms below the rib cage and around the abdomen. Pull up sharply four or five times. You're effectively creating an artificial cough designed to expel an obstruction from an airway. Slap the victim on her back.
If it doesn't work, have somebody there call a paramedic, and somebody else start counting down the minutes. This entire procedure has to be completed within three minutes before brain death sets in.
Reassure the victim. Panic can make the situation worse. Keep a cool head. Deep breathing helps me in an emergency. By now the victim is probably about to pass out from lack of oxygen. Unconsciousness will make your work easier.
If you have them available, snap on rubber gloves. If you can sterilize your tools with alcohol or iodine from a first aid kit, do so. If a kit is not handy, don't bother. Infection is a concern, but death looms larger. The clock is ticking.
Extend the victim's neck. Between the Adam's apple and a ridge known as the Cricoid cartilage, you'll find a small soft spot. If you have iodine, mark the area. You'll be cutting here.
Use one hand to tighten the skin. Pick up your knife of scalpel. Make a half inch left to right incision about a half inch deep. Just below your cut, you'll see the cricothyroid membrane. Make an incision on the membrane itself. Enlarge it by inserting the end of your scalpel, a finger, or even pinching it.
Insert the tube to the depth of a half inch to an inch. With luck the victim will start breathing on his own. If not, you'll have to administer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) through the tube itself. If the heart rate drops below 40 beats a second, you'll have to give chest compression as well.
As soon as possible, get the victim to emergency care.
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