About VLDL Cholesterol?

According to Mayoclinic.com, VLDL cholesterol, or very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, refers to a molecule that consists of a mixture of cholesterol, protein and a very high amount of a fat called triglyceride.
  1. Significance

    • The high level of triglyceride in VLDL raises the risk of coronary artery disease, which can result in stroke or heart attack. These three conditions are all common in the U.S.

    Cholesterol Testing

    • Routine cholesterol testing measures total-blood levels, which represent very low, low and high-density lipoprotein as a single reading. Total cholesterol does not include a breakdown of the different lipoproteins, which would provide more information about the risks of developing coronary artery disease, according to Harvard Health Publications.

    Cholesterol Panel

    • A cholesterol panel, consisting of a total reading, as well as a breakdown of the three types of lipoprotein, represents a more accurate examination of your cholesterol levels. Normal blood levels of VLDL cholesterol range from 5 to 40 mgs per deciliter, according to Mayoclinic.com.

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