How to Stop Zocor
Stopping Zocor Safely
Talk with your physician about any medical problems you may have noticed while taking Zocor. Statins like Zocor have been linked to muscle damage, and if you are having pains in your legs or other areas, you should talk to your physician about discontinuing the drug and discuss any treatment plans and possible medical tests to show side effect problems while taking the medication.
Discuss proper discontinuation of the medication including weaning the dosage of the cholesterol medication off slowly. Weaning the medication off slowly is the only way to safely discontinue cholesterol-reducing statins. Weaning off Zocor also may require that another cholesterol medication is added to replace the statin that is being discontinued.
Talk to your physician about other treatment options for your cholesterol problem. Discontinuing Zocor may increase cholesterol and raise your risk factors for coronary problems such as heart attack and stroke. Proper monitoring of your cholesterol as Zocor is discontinued is key in preventing any adverse coronary reactions.