Beta-sitosterol & Cholesterol Levels
Soybeans, rice bran, wheat germ and corn oils contain highly concentrated levels of the white, waxy substance called beta-sitosterol. This natural compound is also found in fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Beta-sitosterol is commonly used to minimize cholesterol intake. "When consumed with cholesterol, it effectively blocks cholesterol's absorption, resulting in lower serum cholesterol levels," says Dr. Michael Lam, a specialist in nutritional medicine.
The human body fails to process beta-sitosterol efficiently. This is beneficial to reducing cholesterol intake as cholesterol binds to beta-sitosterol, and the two substances move quickly through the digestive system toward excretion.
Physicians commonly suggest dietary supplementation. "Between 500 mg and 10 grams of beta-sitosterol per day have been used in clinical research to reduce elevated blood cholesterol levels," reports the University of Michigan Health System.
Commonly taken in pill or liquid form, side effects of beta-sitosterol may include diarrhea, constipation, gas, nausea or indigestion.