What are the high cholesterol foods I should avoid?
1. Red Meat:
- Fatty cuts of beef, pork, and lamb
2. Processed Meats:
- Bacon, sausage, hot dogs, salami, pepperoni
3. High-Fat Dairy Products:
- Whole milk, butter, cheese (especially hard and aged cheeses), ice cream
4. Fried Foods:
- French fries, fried chicken, fried fish, doughnuts
5. Baked Goods:
- Pastries, cakes, cookies, croissants
6. Sugary Drinks:
- Soda, energy drinks, certain fruit juices
7. Processed Snacks:
- Potato chips, crackers, pretzels
8. Tropical Oils:
- Coconut oil, palm oil
9. Lard:
- Animal-based fat commonly used in cooking
10. Full-Fat Salad Dressings:
- Creamy or oil-based salad dressings
11. High-Fat Cuts of Fish:
- Swordfish, tuna, sardines (consume in moderation)
12. Organ Meats:
- Liver, kidney, and certain types of offal
13. Shellfish:
- Shrimp, lobster, crab (consume in moderation)
14. Caviar:
- Fish eggs high in cholesterol
15. Sugary Desserts:
- Can contribute to overall poor dietary habits and weight gain, which may impact cholesterol levels.
It's important to note that not all dietary cholesterol leads to high blood cholesterol levels. Instead, it's the combination of saturated fats and trans fats in your diet that can significantly increase your cholesterol. Limiting these types of fats along with moderating your intake of cholesterol-rich foods is crucial for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
Consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to create a personalized diet plan that fits your individual needs and health goals.