How to Improve Cholestrol
Decrease LDL
Decrease the portion sizes of the high-cholesterol foods you eat, and eat them less frequently. Consume fewer than six ounces of red meat per week. Avoid fried foods and limit saturated fat and egg yolk intake.
Eat more legumes such as kidney and pinto beans. Increase the amount of soy-based products per week. Products such as soy milk, soy flour and tofu serve as excellent replacements for high-cholesterol staples in your diet.
Opt for the whole wheat or whole grain versions of bread, pasta and cereals. Whole wheat helps prevent the body from absorbing too much cholesterol during digestion.
Increase HDL
Eat a fish entrée at least three times a week. Fish contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids that improve your ratio of HDL to LDL. Take fish oil supplements if the level of heavy metals in seafood concern you.
Replace cooking oils with modest amounts of olive or canola oil. Use olive oil to curb your temptation to pan fry foods, since olive oil breaks down at a lower temperature than other cooking oils.
Exercise five or six times per week. Work hard enough that you reach your target heart rate. Increase daily physical activity by parking in the farthest parking space, taking the stairs rather than the elevator and standing rather than sitting if your schedule keeps you from more dedicated exercise.