How to Raise Your Good Cholesterol by Diet
Reduce the amount of saturated fats you eat. Fats in general should account for no more than 35 percent of your daily caloric intake. Trans fats found in many commercial baked goods should especially be avoided as they can lower your HDL cholesterol and increase your LDL cholesterol.
Eat foods that contain unsaturated fats such as olives and peanuts. This can help boost your HDL cholesterol and its function to reduce plaque build up in your vessels. Also eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as fish and nuts which can also increase your HDL cholesterol levels.
Eat whole grain foods. Whole grains not only contain more nutrients in general than refined grains but also lower your LDL cholesterol level and improve your ratio of good to bad cholesterol. Other foods such as fruits and vegetables can also help improve your ratio.
Add more exercise to your weekly routine. Losing weight, which requires a significant reduction in your caloric intake each day, can boost your HDL cholesterol. For every six pounds you lose, your HDL cholesterol level can increase by 1 mg/dL. A healthy adult should exercise at least five times a week for 30 minutes.