How to Improve Cholesterol Results Fast
Eat more soluble fiber to lower cholesterol levels. Add foods to your diet that are high in soluble fiber. High-fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes and oats. Replace white bread with wheat bread and replace white rice and white pasta with brown rice and whole-wheat pasta.
Choose foods and drinks that are low in saturated fat. Limit your consumption of saturated fat. Replace whole milk with 2 percent or skim. Choose low-fat options for cheese, ice cream and butter. Choose lean meats such as turkey or chicken instead of high-fat meats including ground beef, sausage, bacon or pepperoni.
Cut out or reduce your consumption of trans fat. Trans fats are found in foods such as stick margarine, most baked goods that are commercially made and fast-food fries.
Lower cholesterol by losing excess weight. Lose weight to help lower high cholesterol. Excess weight can have adverse affects on the circulation of the blood. Once the weight is lost, your cholesterol levels should improve.
Lower cholesterol levels by exercising. Start an exercise routine. Exercise is one of the faster ways to lower your cholesterol levels. Combine strength-training exercises with cardiovascular activity to improve your results.