Triglycerides Vs. Good Chlolesterol
Significance of HDL
HDL is high-density lipoprotein. It transports cholesterol through your bloodstream and to your liver for disposal, instead of depositing it in your arteries and other organs, as LDL does.
Significance of Triglycerides
Triglycerides are fatty compounds in your blood that are transported by lipoproteins, along with cholesterol, through your bloodstream.
HDL is essential because it helps you to combat the harmful effects of LDL, which clogs your arteries and can lead to heart attack and stroke. HDL helps reduce the amount of cholesterol that is deposited in your arteries.
Triglycerides are harmful because they are essentially fat floating around in your blood stream.
HDL and Triglycerides
Large amounts of triglycerides in combination with low HDL levels are a major link to increased risk of heart disease.