What Is a Good HDL & LDL Number?
The total cholesterol level is the sum of both HDL and LDL amounts. The optimal amount of combined cholesterol levels is below 200. A result of 200 to 239 is moderately high; above 240 is elevated and puts the patient at risk.
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels are considered optimal when they are above 40. Levels over 60 are even better, since they protect the patient from a heart attack. HDLs bring cholesterol back to the liver for recycling, so they are beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) levels should be kept under 100. If the patient is in a high-risk group, levels below 70 are more beneficial.
Foods high in saturated fats increase LDL levels in the body. Cholesterol is manufactured by the liver, but it's also found in foods such as red meat, eggs and fried foods.
Exercise and a diet low in fatty foods can reverse high LDL levels. Cessation of smoking also helps reduce the high levels of LDL. A sedentary lifestyle is a contributor of high levels, so reducing risk can be done by exercising at least 30 minutes a day.