How to Raise HDL Chlolesterol
High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) are believed to transport cholesterol from the blood to the liver, reducing the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. A high HDL level is therefore beneficial; a level of 60 milligrams of HDL per deciliter of blood (mg/dl) is considered the minimum HDL level for ideal health. You should be able to raise your HDL significantly with some simple lifestyle changes.Things You'll Need
- HDL test results
- Olive oil
- Canola oil
- Peanut oil
- Nicotine patches
Lose weight sensibly. The best weight loss plans generally consist of a combination of eating less and exercising more. Weight loss has a direct effect on your HDL level; every 6 pounds of excess weight that you lose can increase your HDL by 1 mg/dl.
Exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise directly increases your HDL, in addition to helping with weight loss. You should engage in an exercise like cycling, running or walking five times per week for at least 30 minutes per session.
Monitor your fat intake. You should limit the calories you get from fat to about 30 percent of your total caloric intake, and you should not receive more than 7 percent of your calories from saturated fat. The most common sources of saturated fat are animal products such as beef and dairy products. You can reduce your consumption of saturated fat by using cooking oils such as olive oil, canola oil and peanut oil.
Stop smoking. Most smoking cessation plans combine counseling with medication such as nicotine patches. A regular smoker can increase his HDL level by 10 percent when he quits.
Limit your alcohol intake. Moderate drinking can increase your HDL level, although this doesn't justify alcohol consumption if you don't already drink. Men should have no more than one or two drinks per day, and women should limit themselves to an average of one drink each day.