Which Drugs Will Help You Lower Cholesterol & Lose Weight?
The two kinds of cholesterol are HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and LDL (low-density lipoprotein). HDL is considered good cholesterol since it removes cholesterol that is not needed from the body. LDL is referred to as bad cholesterol because it is made up of mostly fat.
Statin Drugs
Statin drugs block the production of cholesterol in the liver. When combined with a low cholesterol diet and exercise, statins help lower LDL cholesterol and reduce body weight. Side effects may include liver damage, intestinal problems and muscle tenderness.
Bile Acid Resins
Bile acid resins work inside the intestines to bind with bile from the liver, preventing it from being reabsorbed into the circulatory system. Since bile is primarily made up of cholesterol, these drugs help deplete it from the body. Side effects include gas, constipation and upset stomach.
Nicotinic Acid
Nicotinic acid (niacin) is derived from a Vitamin B complex, and is available as a supplement and in prescription form. When combined with exercise and a low cholesterol diet, it helps lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol. Common side effects include itching, flushing, headache and tingling.
Drugs that help reduce cholesterol are most effective when combined with a low cholesterol diet and exercise. Reducing cholesterol and weight helps prevent cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.