How to Lower You Bad Cholesterol Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Diet
- Nutrition
- Healthy Eating Habits
Make it a point to eat more unsaturated fats in your diet. Replace the calories you get from highly refined foods with more healthy fats. That will lower your bad cholesterol.
You should eat plenty of whole grains, preferably 3 servings everyday. Whole grain-breads, cereals, and rice for example, decrease the bad cholesterol in your body. The antioxidants in grains will also help protect your body from the effects of the little bad cholesterol that is left in your body.
Eat more seafood. Foods like shrimp and salmon contain nearly zero saturated fats. Eating these types of foods can reduce your chance of dying from heart attack.
Be sure to get plenty of exercise each week. This will help lower your bad cholesterol and elevate your good cholesterol in your body.
Eat as much fruit and vegetables as you want. These are high in cholesterol lowering fiber and are rich in antioxidants which fight disease.