How to Lower Bad Cholesterol Easily

Have you been wondering how to lower bad cholesterol? Bad cholesterol known as LDL cholesterol can be controlled naturally by diet and exercise or by medications. You can manage your cholesterol yourself if you have not been diagnosed with high cholesterol but if you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol or borderline high cholesterol, you should manage your cholesterol under a doctors care.


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      Follow Your Doctors Instructions

      Follow all of the instructions given by your doctor, including diet, exercise, over the counter medications and prescription medications. Medications such as statin drugs should be taken exactly as prescribed. Most likely you will be required to take them for the rest of your life. Just because you are taking a statin drug does not mean that you do not have to watch your diet or stop exercising. To stay healthy, you need to balance a healthy diet, exercise and take your prescribed medicine correctly.

      Cholesterol medicines called statin drugs such as Lovastatin, Zocor, Crestor, and Zetia, all work differently to lower cholesterol. Talk to your doctor about which one is right for you.

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      Change Your Food Intake

      Change your diet and amount of food you consume each day. There are many ways to lower bad cholesterol but the best way to to stop eating foods with high cholesterol. It is easy to diet to lower bad cholesterol, just reduce the amount of high cholesterol foods while increasing the amount of high fiber foods. Eventually your diet will have only a minimum amount of high cholesterol foods, but it will be filled with healthy foods. Healthy foods include turkey, yogurt, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low or non fat milk, nuts and seeds.

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      Exercise Regularly

      Exercise some everyday. 30 minutes is the minimum amount of exercise you should do each day. If you cannot do 30 minutes, start with just five minutes, adding an additional five minutes each week until you are up to 30 minutes.

      An excellent form of exercising is walking. It is best for your digestive system if you walk just after a meal.

      Next add a weight training program to your exercising routine. Even if you only lift weights for 10 minutes a day, you will increase your muscle which will burn more fat and help you to keep your weight at a normal level. You can control bad cholesterol by exercising daily.

      Knowing how to lower bad cholesterol can add years to your life.

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      Add Niacin (Vitamin B3) Under Doctors Supervision

      Take Niacin (Vitamin B3) on a regular basis to lower your bad LDL cholesterol and raise your good HDL cholesterol. Niacin is preferred over other cholesterol reducing medications because unlike statin drugs, it also increases your good HDL cholesterol while lowering your bad LDL cholesterol. Statin drugs normally lower both good and bad cholesterol as well as triglycerides.

      Niacin is a very powerful vitamin and should be taken under a doctor's supervision.

      Knowing how to lower bad cholesterol will help you to stay healthy.

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