What Are the Causes of Low HDL & Low LDL Cholesterol?
LDL is low-density lipoprotein and is considered "bad cholesterol." HDL is high-density lipoprotein, or "good cholesterol." LDL transports cholesterol to your tissues and arteries, and HDL transports cholesterol to your liver for disposal.
Family History
LDL particle size is heavily influenced by your genes. If your LDL count is low, it's likely your family history plays a large part in that.
Saturated Fat
If you eat fried foods and foods that are high in saturated fat, such as butter, cheese, egg yolks, whole milk and red meat, your HDL will be lower. Cutting back on these foods will help elevate your HDL levels.
Exercise lowers your LDL while elevating your HDL, which is ideal. Exercising for 30 minutes to one hour daily helps lower your LDL.
Simple Carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates cause your triglycerides (fatty lipids in your bloodstream) to spike, which makes your HDL plummet. Triglycerides and HDL have a see-saw relationship; when one goes up, the other tends to go down.