Fast Food's Effect on Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
LDL cholesterol is considered "bad" because it can clog your arteries, leading to an increased risk of heart disease. Many types of fast food, including French fries and cheeseburgers, can raise LDL levels in the blood.
HDL Cholesterol
HDL cholesterol is the "good" type of cholesterol. HDL can help clear your arteries, leading to a decreased risk of heart attack and other heart conditions. Some fast foods that are high in trans fat can actually help lower your HDL levels, which can increase your risk of a heart attack.
Trans Fat Effect on Cholesterol
Trans fat is the worst type of fat because it can raise LDL and lower HDL cholesterol. Fast food restaurants often cook their foods, such as French fries, in hydrogenated oils (another name for trans fats). Some fast food companies have started to phase trans fats out of their menus, but it's you can check the company's website for nutritional information for their foods to see if the foods you commonly eat contain trans fats.
Saturated Fat Effect on Cholesterol
Saturated fats also have negative health consequences such as raising your LDL cholesterol levels. Many fast foods such as French fries, burgers and fried dishes are high in saturated fat. Avoid these foods to avoid an increase in your cholesterol levels.
Healthier Fast Food Options
Fast food obviously can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels for the most part. There are some steps you can take to minimize the damage when eating at these restaurants though. Always choose a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a burger; order your chicken sandwich without sauce or cheese; skip the French fries and get a side salad or small chili instead; and choose water or tea over sugary sodas.