How to Lower Cholesterol Levels Quickly
Things You'll Need
- Plan
- Diet
- Exercise
Make a Plan: Talk to your doctor ASAP. Work out a plan with your doctor to figure out what is best for your specific situation. Are your LDLs too high, are your HDLs too low, or are your triglycerides the culprit. No matter what the problem is, your doctor will most likely have a specific plan of action he or she would like to see you complete.
Diet: Watch what you eat- starting right now. Cut out foods that are high in saturated fat, and lower the number of foods you eat with high amounts of cholesterol. Try to focus on balancing your diet with low fat, low cholesterol, moderate carbs and moderate proteins. By balancing your diet you will allow your body to consume the necessary nutrients for optimal health.
Exercise: Make sure to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 4-6 days a week at minimum (with your doctor's permission of course!). Incorporating cardiovascular exercise and strength training into your daily routine will help you burn excess calories and obtain an optimal wellness when combined with diet and if necessary, medication for lowering cholesterol.
Medication: If your doctor feels that it is necessary for you to take cholesterol-lowering medication, it is best to follow the instructions your doctor gives you. Make sure that your diet is compatible with the medication(s) you are prescribed and the amount of exercise you are completing daily.
Shop for Health: When you go to the grocery store, make sure to avoid purchasing any foods that can contribute to your high cholesterol. Avoid the junk food and focus on fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meat like chicken or fish. One good shopping technique is to stay on the outer aisles- don't enter the middle aisles where the chips, candy, frozen food, and other non-cholesterol-friendly foods reside. Stick to the walls of the store and you will have an easier time resisting temptation to purchase something you should not be eating.