Holistic Treatment for Lowering Cholesterol
What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a type of fat, made by your liver, and is used by your body to make healthy cells which is a normal process. It is not normal for your body to produce too much cholesterol. When this happens, it can create deposits of cholesterol that attach themselves to the walls of your arteries which can result in heart attack or stroke.
What is holistic medicine?
The idea of holistic medicine is that it treats not just a disease, but instead focuses on you as a whole person, treating your mind, spirit and body.
Holistic medicine realizes that in order to lower your cholesterol, you have to make some lifestyle changes. You probably already know that you need to exercise and maintain a healthy weight to lower your cholesterol. Eating a low fat diet is also essential and needs to include more fiber, fish oil, nuts, fruits, vegetables and soy.
Mind and spirit
According to Holistic Heart Health, there can be no healing without healing the mind. Also, healing can not truly be done without bringing the mind, spirit and body into harmony. With this approach in mind, there are several ways to treat this connection. Biofeedback therapy, yoga, meditation, imagery, visualization, hypnosis and practicing spirituality are all ways to combat heart disease.
Alternative treatments
You should be careful when choosing alternative cholesterol treatments, because some do not work. One of the alternative treatments for lowering cholesterol is garlic, which has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Red rice yeast has also been promoted by holistic practitioners to help lower cholesterol. Finally, niacin, coenzyme Q10, and B complex vitamins are also reputed to lower cholesterol levels.