How to Lower Bad Cholesteral
Eat foods high in fiber such as oatmeal, fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals and breads. You should aim for 10 or more grams of soluble fiber per day.
Eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish such as salmon, tuna and herring are some of the best sources of healthy fatty acids.
Include about a handful of nuts per day in your diet. Walnuts seem to be the most effective in lowering cholesterol, but other nuts such as almonds, pecans and peanuts are beneficial as well.
Incorporate about two tablespoons of olive oil each day into your diet. Use olive oil instead of vegetable oil or lard when you cook. You also can drizzle olive oil on salads and breads.
Eat foods that have plant sterols or stanols added. Some of these foods include certain types of orange juice, margarine and yogurt beverages. Check the label to see if a particular brand has been fortified with these substances.
Avoid or limit foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Fatty meats, whole dairy products and many fast food and pre-packaged snack food choices fall into this category.
Practice some type of aerobic exercise for 20 to 45 minutes at least four or five days out of the week, if not every day. Aerobic activity exercises the heart and lungs and helps the body to metabolize cholesterol more efficiently. Exercising also can help you to lose weight, which in turn can help to lower your bad cholesterol.
Stop smoking if you smoke. Quitting can lower your cholesterol.
Consult with your doctor about taking various medications if necessary. Your doctor may instruct you to try one or more medications such as statins, bile acid binding resins, niacin, fibrates or cholesterol absorption inhibitors.