Cholesterol Vs. Triglycerides
Definition: Trigylcerides
When food is digested, the calories are converted into energy by the body. Excess calories are then converted into triglycerides, the primary chemical component of fat. Some of this fat accumulates in the cells while the rest circulates through the bloodstream.
Definition: Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance produced by the liver. Cholesterol is naturally produced by the body and obtained from food, particularly food that is high in saturated fat.
While triglycerides serve as a source of energy for the body, excess triglycerides promote the growth of fat cells. Excess triglycerides also accumulate on the arterial walls. By disrupting the smooth surface of the arteries, triglycerides allow cholesterol to accumulate causing plaque buildup.
Excess triglycerides act as an enabler for the damage caused by cholesterol, and like cholesterol are the result of a high-fat, calorie-dense diet. Therefore, high triglyceride levels in the blood are usually found in tandem with high total blood cholesterol levels.
Symtoms: Cholesterol vs. Triglycerides
High levels of cholesterol often provide no warning until sufficient plaque buildup has occurred to cause a heart attack, the final phase of coronary artery disease. However, excess triglycerides may manifest as fat deposits, hard lumps, or nodules on the elbows or knees.
Triglycerides and cholesterol can be controlled by avoiding alcohol. Even though they are different, both triglycerides and cholesterol can be controlled by eating a low-fat diet, drinking alcohol in moderation, exercising and by avoiding regularly consuming excess calories.