What Are the Dangers of Low LDL Cholesterol?

Overall lower levels of LDL "bad cholesterol" equate to better cardiovascular health. However, it is possible for LDL levels to be too low. Excessively low LDL levels present unique health risks of their own.
  1. Identification

    • You cannot tell if your LDL levels are becoming dangerously low by feel. Cholesterol levels must be accurately determined by having a cholesterol blood test performed by a physician.

    Risks: Cancer

    • According to research conducted by the National Institutes of Health, excessively low LDL cholesterol levels have been linked to an increase of certain types of cancers, particularly lung cancer.

    Risks: Depression

    • Duke University researchers have found evidence that cholesterol levels that are too low may alter brain function and cause depression in previously healthy men and women.

    Risks: Pregnant Women

    • Pregnant women with insufficient LDL cholesterol levels are at risk for premature birth and low birth weight, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Risk Factors

    • Individuals taking prescription medication to lower cholesterol are in danger of having extremely low LDL levels as an unwanted side effect. Low levels may also be caused by a genetic condition that prevents the body from manufacturing appropriate levels of LDL.

    Expert Insight

    • Total blood cholesterol should be between 100 and 200mg per deciliter. Ideally, 60mg per deciliter should be HDL cholesterol, with the remainder being LDL.

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