Why No Food Before a Cholesterol Test?
Cholesterol tests help doctors identify individuals with dangerously high cholesterol. This allows lifestyle changes to be made or medications to be prescribed to help improve the overall cholesterol of the patient.
Time Frame
For the 12 hours before a cholesterol test, you should only drink water. There should be no changes in diet in the weeks preceding the test in order to get an accurate reading. The patient should fast for the 12 preceding hours and drink only water during this time.
The three main items doctors look at when performing a cholesterol test are the levels of the HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
Eating before the test does not affect the HDL or total level of cholesterol, but may affect the LDL and triglyceride levels. All levels are needed to accurately assess the risk of heart disease.
Fun Fact
Fish can help lower bad cholesterol naturally. Some foods can help to naturally lower the bad cholesterol. These include oatmeal, walnuts, almonds, fish and olive oil.