Alternatives to Tricor for Triglyceride Control
One possible prescription choice is atorvastatin (Lipitor). This medication reduces your body's production of cholesterol. Lipitor may also cause some side effects, including nausea, constipation, heartburn, muscle pain and flu symptoms. Another option is ezetimibe (Zetia). Zetia blocks the absorption of cholesterol from dietary sources. Doctors may sometimes prescribe Zetia in conjunction with other cholesterol-lowering medications. A third option is a combination drug called Vytorin. Vytorin is a combination of ezetimibe and simvastatin. This medication also blocks your body from absorbing cholesterol, but it also helps you raise your HDL cholesterol (the good kind of cholesterol.) Zetia and Vytorin may also cause dizziness, cold symptoms, numbness and headaches.
If you have very high cholesterol and triglycerides, it's important to continue using the medication your doctor prescribes for you. With your doctor's approval, you may consider taking some over-the-counter supplements, along with your regular medication. Some supplements that may be helpful for controlling your cholesterol include artichoke extract, barley extract, blond psyllium, beta-sitosterol, oat bran (which you can eat via oatmeal) and sitostanol.
In addition to your medication options and supplement choices, your lifestyle habits are an essential ingredient to your health. For successfully treating high cholesterol and high triglycerides, you'll need to eat a diet that is low in fat and high in fiber. Do not consume trans fats (commonly found in bakery products) and avoid high amounts of saturated fats. Instead, choose monounsaturated fats (such as olive and peanut oil, as well as almonds and walnuts). Daily aerobic exercise is also important in lowering your cholesterol. Try to work out for 30 to 60 minutes. Exercise will also help you lose weight. Being overweight can raise your cholesterol and triglyceride levels.