How to Boost Your HDL Cholestrol
Things You'll Need
- Cholesterol test results
Watch your weight. A combination of diet and regular exercise can be an effective method of losing excess weight. Body weight has a direct correlation with HDL level: Your HDL can rise one mg/dl for every six excess pounds you lose.
Eat less fat. The calories you get from fat should be between 25 and 35 percent of your total caloric intake. You should also replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats to keep your intake of saturated fats from exceeding seven percent of your total. The most common sources of unsaturated fats include olive oil, canola oil and peanut oil.
Engage in regular aerobic exercise. Activities that greatly increase your heart rate for a sustained period are the most effective at raising your HDL level. You should perform exercises such as walking, cycling or running for at least 30 minutes on five days out of the week.
Stop smoking to improve your HDL level by as much as ten percent. Smoking is strongly associated with reduced HDL levels, and it can also reduce the effectiveness of HDL. The most successful smoking-cessation programs are generally those that combine counseling with medication.
Drink alcohol in moderation. Women should average no more than one drink per day and men should average no more than one to two drinks per day. Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with increased HDL levels, but this doesn't justify drinking if you don't already drink.