What Is a Normal HDL Number?
Cholesterol of both kinds is measured in milligrams per deciliter of blood, or mg/dL. A clinic measures both kinds when running what is called a lipid panel.
Three Numbers
A lipid panel defines three numbers: HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. LDL is normally higher than HDL, and the two combined equal the total cholesterol.
HDL Numbers
The Mayo Clinic defines HDL numbers as follows: below 40 mg/dL is poor for a man; below 50 mg/dL is poor for a woman; 50 to 59 mg/dL is better; 60 mg/dL and above is best.
The HDL number by itself is useful, but a more useful number is the cholesterol ratio. If your LDL is 200 mg/dL and your HDL 50 mg/dL, your ratio is 4:1. Mayo Clinic advises keeping the ration below 5:1 to lower the risk of heart disease.
Moving HDL Numbers
Generally, it is easier to move the LDL number with diet or medication than to move the HDL number. So the goal is generally to achieve a better ratio, rather than a better HDL number. Most dietary and lifestyle changes that lower LDL also raise HDL, somewhat.