How to Lower Your Bad LDL Cholesterol Fast
**Reduce Stress**
Reduce or eliminate the stress out of your life that contributes to high cholesterol and poor health in general. Stress can be a killer. Do not allow it to control your life.
Learn to control your stress and anxiety and you will live longer. Reduce your stress and you will naturally reduce your cholesterol.
**Increase Exercise**
Exercise everyday so that you can keep your cholesterol in check. Exercise is the key to keeping cholesterol low.
High cholesterol can kill, so you need to take it seriously. If your cholesterol is getting higher, you should take care of it now before it gets much worse. If your cholesterol gets too high, the doctor will prescribe statin drugs to keep it under control and you will no longer have the opportunity to reduce it naturally yourself.
**Increase Vegetables**
Increase the amount of vegetables, steel cut oats and groats that you eat each day. You can eat foods to help lower your bad ldl cholesterol. Normally foods high in fiber and nutritional value such as steel cut oats help to lower cholesterol.
Each meal should consist of 50% vegetables for good health. If you eat a high amount of vegetable and high fiber foods, your cholesterol will be reduced, possibly even this month.
Low density lipoprotein or ldl cholesterol reflects what is happening in your bloodstream. It is essential that you keep it under control for the health of your entire body.
Knowing how to lower your bad ldl cholesterol will help you increase your longevity.
**Listen to the Doctor**
Follow your doctors orders. If you doctor prescribes statin or other drugs, take them as directed. Most of the time they are prescribed for the rest of your life. Once you are on statin drugs, the doctors want you to keep taking them.
Ask your doctor about the side effects and risks of taking drugs to reduce your cholesterol.
Statin drugs reduce good hdl cholesterol also. Eat wild caught salmon, almonds, avocados and olive oil to help keep your hdl cholesterol high while you are taking cholesterol reducing medication.
Knowing how to lower your bad ldl cholesterol will help you extend your life.