Menu to Reduce Cholesterol
Add Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber has been found to interfere with LDL cholesterol absorption and successfully remove it from the body before it enters the bloodstream; therefore, it can be beneficial to add foods containing the fiber to your menu. Soluble fiber is found in oats, barley and other whole grains, beans, eggplant, psyllium, okra, apples, pears, grapes, prunes, strawberries and citrus fruits. Additionally, fiber laxatives can be taken to increase your soluble fiber intake.
Consume Healthy Fats
Foods containing polyunsaturated and other healthy fats lower LDL and are found in olive, canola, sunflower and safflower oils, and in nuts like almonds, walnuts and peanuts. Fatty fish, (mackerel, albacore tuna, herring, lake trout, sardines and salmon), contain Omega-3 fatty acids which can also lower LDL, particularly if you bake or grill, rather than fry, the seafood. If eating fish is unappealing to you, Omega-3 acids are also found in canola oil, ground flaxseed or by taking a supplement.
Fortify with Plant Sterols/Stanols
Cholesterol absorption is blocked by sterols and stanols, which are healthy substances extracted form plants that major food companies are now adding to foods such as margarines, granola bars, yogurt drinks and orange juice. They are also available as dietary supplements, and intake of 2 grams per day can lower LDL levels by 10 percent.
Foods to Avoid
To successfully reduce cholesterol levels, you must not only add certain foods to your menu but, at the same time, eliminate or completely avoid others by reducing intake of saturated fats like those found in ground beef, whole milk, fried meats and margarine and butter. Trans fats should also be avoided since they are a double threat because they raise LDL levels, but also lower your healthy HDL cholesterol.
Enjoy Overall Health
Changing your menu will have more benefits than just reducing your cholesterol level. The addition of a variety of fruits, grains and healthy fats, going hand in hand with avoiding or eliminating fried foods, unhealthy oils and packaged baked goods, will also help you control your weight and blood pressure, and will improve your mental and physical health all-around.