How to Lower VLDL & Triglycerides
Things You'll Need
- Physical examination
- Gym membership
- Foods high in omega-3 acids or soluble fiber
Lowering VLDL and Triglycerides
Begin your program by targeting an ideal range in which to drop your VLDL and triglyceride values. According to Mayo Clinic cardiologist Thomas Behrenbeck, "Normal VLDL cholesterol is between five and 40 milligrams per deciliter." Behrenbeck also says, "There is no simple, direct way to measure VLDL cholesterol." VLDL is typically estimated in proportion to your triglyceride levels.
You should have a physical examination to check cholesterol content and ensure that your body is fit for exercise. The doctor will help you analyze the results by describing triglycerides as blood fat that is associated with clogged arteries. Conversely, high-density lipoprotein is the good cholesterol, which is actually believed to carry LDL toward your liver and out of the body.
Limit and eliminate alcohol and tobacco consumption. Alcohol's high caloric content is often converted into triglyceride blood fat. Alcohol takes priority in being processed by your liver, at the expense of other metabolic processes. Triglyceride levels typically increase immediately after drinking alcohol.
Avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke. Tobacco chemicals lower good HDL levels and damage arteries, making them prone to blockage. Additionally, the smoke reduces lung capacity, which inhibits your stamina for exercise.
You should begin exercising to drop excess weight. Overweight and obese people are usually linked to high VLDL and triglyceride levels, which are forms of fat. Working out also adds to your good HDL levels that have a proven inverse relationship to triglycerides. Begin by incorporating 30 to 60 minutes of exercise into your daily routine. Walk instead of driving, when possible. Consider a gym membership for moderate exercise that emphasizes cardiovascular training.
Monitor your diet to reduce triglyceride levels. The Cleveland Clinic says "excess calories, alcohol or sugar in the body are converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells."
Lowering VLDL is related to limiting your intake of sugars, carbohydrates and dietary fat. Make substitutions for healthy choices, such as whole fruits, whole grains and sugar-free offerings. The Cleveland Clinic also suggests that you avoid late-night snacking, and eat smaller meals more frequently.
Revisit your physician 6 to 12 months into your lifestyle-change program. The doctor will elect to draw blood for analysis. A review of the results allows you both to track the progress and efficiency of the current regimen. The physician will prescribe medication for urgent cases, where diet and exercise alone are not enough to lower your VLDL and triglycerides to healthy levels.