How to Lower Bad Cholesterol Levels & Improve Good Cholesterol Levels
How to Lower Bad Cholestrol Levels & Improve Good Cholestrol Levels
Eat less fat. You should not have more than 7 percent of your daily-caloric intake from saturated fat. Keep your total fat calories down to between 25 percent to 35 percent daily.
Eat fruits, vegetables and dietary fiber. This reduces calories and increases bulk. Insoluble fiber can also help flush out excess cholesterol.
Eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids. These include tuna, salmon and mackerel, along with flaxseed and walnuts. If you don't like these foods, take an Omega-3 fatty-acid supplement.
Lose extra pounds. This will help increase metabolism, reduce LDL and improve HDL.
Be active every day. The American Heart Association recommends daily activity that increases your heart rate, such as aerobic activity. If you can't do 30 minutes straight, break it up and build your stamina until you can.
Consult you doctor. See if there are any medications that would help lower your cholesterol.
Quit smoking. By stopping, you can increase HDL levels.