Problems With Statins
Side Effects
Doctors prescribe statins to patients with high cholesterol levels, a history of heart disease, a family history of heart disease and diabetes. These drugs lower blood cholesterol levels very well, but some patients have a problem with side effects. Common side effects include headache, abdominal pain, a pins and needles sensation, diarrhea, nausea and muscle inflammation.
For most patients, these side effects are minor and many experience no side effects at all. For others, however, the side effects are debilitating. Discuss any adverse reactions you have with your doctor. Alternative medications are available to lower blood cholesterol levels.
CoQ10 Deficiency
CoQ10 is one of the body's most important nutrients. The body uses it in its production of energy. As the body ages, the natural production of this enzyme decreases and must be replaced with dietary supplements. Statin drugs block cholesterol production and CoQ10 production at the same time. As a result,
the symptoms of CoQ10 deficiency include congestive heart failure and chronic fatigue.CoQ10 also is a powerful antioxidant, and statins reduce its free radical fighting capabilities. Supplementation with CoQ10 can help.
Memory Loss
Medwatch is a safety-reporting program designed by the FDA to collect information on adverse reactions to medications and other products. Users of statins have reported thousands of cases of memory loss to Medwatch. The FDA does not consider memory loss a side effect of the medication to date.
While this side effect cannot be attributed to statins, it is important to be aware of the reports. Discuss any memory problems, confusion or other mental disturbances when using a statin medication with your doctor. Other cholesterol-lowering medications are available to use in place of statins if side effects are intolerable.