Natural Way to Lower Cholesterol
A change in diet is the first natural treatment. A diet change is a simple process that can have a great effect on your cholesterol levels. Know your beginning numbers before you begin your diet. This will show you if there has been an improvement.
Low-fat diets work best to lower cholesterol and lose weight. Well-balanced meal planning should include lean sources of protein, carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy. A low-cholesterol diet must include fat as well. The cholesterol diet is low in fat, but some fats are necessary. Monounsaturated fats such as those found in nuts, olive oil, canola oil and avocados are good sources of fats that can take the place of trans and saturated fats in the low-cholesterol diet.
Fiber has an important cholesterol-fighting ability. Soluble fibers bind to cholesterol and move it out of the body as it passes through. Sources of soluble fiber include oat bran, dried peas and beans, barley, nuts, flaxseed, and apples.
Aerobic activity such as walking for 30 minutes a day five or six times a week can help lose weight, which will lower cholesterol levels. Beginners to exercise can break up their exercise routine if 30 minutes is too difficult in the beginning. Two 15-minute walks a day at a brisk pace will give you 30 minutes of aerobic activity a day.
Discuss any new exercise program with your doctor before you begin. Do not push yourself beyond your capabilities. Hurting yourself in the beginning of an exercise program can derail your attempts to lower cholesterol.
Supplements may help reduce cholesterol levels. Natural supplements are part of an overall program along with a good, healthy low-fat diet and exercise. Always discuss supplements and herbal remedies with your doctor before starting any treatment plan.
Fish oil capsules contain Omega-3 fatty acids that may lower cholesterol and triglycerides. Add fish oil to your diet by eating fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel two to three times a week.
Psyllium husk lowers LDL cholesterol when added to a low cholesterol diet. Flaxseed, beta-sitosterol, garlic and sitostanol supplements can also be a part of a cholesterol-reducing program.