Steps to Lower Cholesterol
Good vs. Bad Cholesterol
The good cholesterol is HDL (high density lipoproteins). HDL cholesterol removes the bad cholesterol LDL from your blood system to the liver and it drops it off.
If LDL levels are high, it may clog arteries and blood vessels before it reaches the liver, resulting in plaque formation.that can lead to blockages.
Diet, exercise, weight loss, stress reduction and medications are key components in a cholesterol reduction plan.
Eat Healthy
Eating foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol boosts your bad cholesterol levels. Avoid fatty meats, egg yolks and full-fat dairy products, fried foods and processed foods.
Fish such as tuna and salmon will improve your cholesterol levels, as will walnuts, almonds, oatmeal, oat bran and orange juice. Start reading food labels and look for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Purchase foods that contain plant stanols and sterols, found in margarines and salad dressings.
Exercise Regularly
Physical activity boosts your heart rate and lowers triglycerides and LDL and while boosting HDL. Thirty minutes of exercise three to four times a week will lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. If overweight, the best exercise is walking. Park your car farther out in parking lot or take the steps instead of the elevator. Pace around the house while talking on your phone.
Drop Excess Weight
Overweight bodies lead to unhealthy cholesterol levels, but dropping just a few pounds can lower your LDL. Reduce your intake of saturated fats, trans fats and cholesterol. Focus on cutting out some calories and eating smaller portions.
Take Medications
Sometimes when you do all of the above, it's not enough because high cholesterol runs in your family. Your doctor will give you the right medicines, some of which are statins, Ezetimibe (Zetia), niacin, bile acid resins and fibrates.
Reduce Stress
Stress increases cholesterol levels. Reduce stress without smoking or alcohol. Relax with a massage or a visit to the hot tub instead.