What Are Good Cholesterol Numbers?
Less than 200 mg/dL
The American Heart Association says that this cholesterol level range puts people at a very low risk for coronary heart disease. Still, people with less than 200mg/dL of cholesterol should get their cholesterol checked by their doctor at least once every five years.
200 to 239 mg/dL
People who fall into this cholesterol range have a borderline risk for coronary heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. People with cholesterol readings in this range can lower their cholesterol by eating lower cholesterol diets, exercising and avoiding tobacco.
240 mg/dL and Over
People with cholesterol readings in this range have an extremely high risk for coronary artery disease and may need cholesterol reducing medications in addition to making life style changes, according to the American Heart Association.
LDL Cholesterol
According to the American Heart Association, LDL cholesterol is considered bad cholesterol because it can stick to artery walls, leading to blockages, strokes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. People with high LDL levels should attempt to reduce their consumption of it.
HDL Cholesterol
HDL cholesterol is considered good cholesterol. HDL cholesterol helps to keep the cardiovascular system clean. High levels of HDL are difficult for many individuals to achieve, but are considered desirable.