What Are the Reasons for High Cholesterol?
The modern lifestyle is one of the main causes of high cholesterol. People are addicted to junk food and fast food like burgers, pizzas, chocolate and ice cream, which are rich in fat and open the doors to hypercholesterolemia. People who won't exercise and spend a lot of time sitting or lying down will have lower HDL levels and higher LDL levels. LDL is the bad cholesterol. The level of HDL, or the good cholesterol, is lower in people who are obese than in people with normal weight levels.
Alcohol and Smoking
Consuming too much alcohol also results in reducing HDL levels in the body and increases bad cholesterol levels. Moderate drinkers tend to have better cholesterol levels than heavy drinkers. Smoking, which is not good for health in any way, also increases bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Smokers consume less vegetables and fruits in their diet when compared to nonsmokers. Their food also includes more fat and salt, resulting in high cholesterol levels in the blood. The best way to solve this problem is by reducing smoking or by quitting completely.
The cholesterol level in the blood rises due to severe stress. There are several reasons for stress: changes in work, changes in shifts, heavy workloads, busy schedules and excess burdens. All of these may lead to stress and increase the cholesterol level in the blood. Severe stress may have a negative impact on the heart and may result in heart diseases. By following a particular schedule and by using relaxation techniques, you can minimize stress.
Genetics plays a major role in the determination of cholesterol levels in individuals. If older members of a family faced high cholesterol problems, it is advised that the younger members consult a doctor and get required checkups to avoid facing high cholesterol problems. It is also essential to maintain a diet that is low in fat and rich in nutrition.
Old Age
The risk of high cholesterol will also increase along with the age in both males and females. The risk of heart diseases is higher in men compared to women. Men tend to face cardiovascular diseases an average of 15 years earlier than women due to high cholesterol levels in the blood. Most of the victims of heart diseases are men rather than women. In women, cholesterol levels will rise mostly due to menopause.
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