The Best Diet for Fighting Cholesterol
Lower Saturated Fat Intake
To help lower your cholesterol, limit your intake of foods that contain saturated fat and cholesterol. This includes fatty cuts of meat, whole milk and whole milk products, and egg yolks. Choose healthier polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats such as olive oil and nut oils. Including fish in your diet at least twice a week increases your intake of healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Fish is also a good source of protein. These essential fatty acids are good for decreasing bad cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing your good cholesterol levels. Good fish choices include salmon, mackerel and trout. If you cannot eat fish, talk with your doctor about taking omega 3 fatty acid supplements.
Increase Fiber
Vegetables, fruits, whole grains and whole-grain products are good sources of fiber. You may be asked to increase your intake of foods such as bans, lentils, barley, pears, apples, kidney beans, psyllium (a fiber) and oatmeal. Oatmeal contains a special type of fiber, soluble fiber, which helps lower the amount of bad cholesterol you have without affecting your good-cholesterol level.
Plant Sterols
Plants contain substances known as sterols which can help lower your cholesterol. Not all people benefit from consuming plant sterols or stanols, so check with your doctor to see if this is right for you. Your doctor may want you to have to servings of sterols each day from fortified foods such as orange juice or margarine spreads.
General Guidelines
Follow the instructions you receive from your doctor, dietitian or nutritionist. They have determined the recommendations that are best for you based on your health and needs. If you have heart disease, you may be instructed to reduce your sodium intake. If you are overweight, you may be instructed to limit your total caloric intake. If you are taking medication for cholesterol, do not discontinue it unless instructed to do so by your doctor. Your doctor may also recommend that you limit alcohol and participate in moderate exercise on a regular basis.