How to Raise Good HDL Cholesterol Fast
EXERCISE - Exercise your body five to seven days per week to raise your good HDL cholesterol. Exercise should be a combination of cardiovascular exercises such as walking, running, biking, skiing, hiking, mountain climbing, dancing, or playing sports and weight bearing exercises such as weight lifting, push ups, pull ups, squats or lunges. Cardiovascular exercises can be done everyday. Weight bearing exercises can be limited to three to five times per week. Never do weight bearing exercises for the same muscles two days in a row. Always give your muscles a day to recover in between.
EAT PROPERLY - Eat foods that are well known for raising your good HDL cholesterol. Foods that you should eat several times per week are: garlic, olive oil, mackerel, wild caught salmon, wild trout, walnuts, almonds, and avocados.
You should also eat healthier in general. Every bite you put in your mouth should be healthy. Your meals should consist of vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. You are what you eat, so only put healthy food in your body to keep yourself healthy. Snack on healthy foods throughout the day such as carrots and tomatoes to keep your good cholesterol high. Knowing how to raise good HDL cholesterol fast will keep you healthy.
AVOID DANGERS - Avoid foods and habits that are dangerous to your body. If you are a smoker than quit, if you are lazy get up and move, and if you eat poorly change your evil ways before it kills you or causes you health problems. Stay away from junk food, fast food and overly processed packaged foods. You should be eating foods that are as close to natural as possible. When you eat almonds, don't eat the kind that are flavored and smoked and salted. It the natural almonds that are called raw almonds, they are much healthier for you and will help raise your good HDL cholesterol. You make the decision on how healthy you want to be and save yourself thousands in medical bills.
If you need more information about cholesterol, please look below in the Resources section. Knowing how to raise good HDL cholesterol fast will keep you healthy and fit for many more years.