The Best Ways to Lower LDL
Begin slowly doing a light and easy exercise routine that isn't too taxing. Running on the spot is fine to begin with and doesn't require membership at a gym. Perform the exercises on what ever schedule is good for you, although exercising close to bedtime tends to keep you awake. Exercise during the day; in the morning or after lunch will not interfere with your good sleeping habits. Gradually increase the amount of time you spend exercising until you reach 45-minutes to an hour of exercise three times per week.
Oatmeal & Cereals
Eat plenty of fiber-rich foods like oatmeal, Cheerios, oat-bran, whole grains, and unsweetened cereals. Oatmeal will reduce LDL levels by simply eating one bowl every day for one month. Eating oatmeal daily may reduce bad cholesterol levels by up to 30 points.
Fruits and Vegetables
Eat plenty of fresh fruits to supply your body with fiber and provide the nourishment you need for optimum health. Apples, oranges, grapefruit, pears, strawberries, and melons are all healthy choices to help reduce LDL levels. Eat plenty of dark green vegetables like spinach, kale, and turnip greens to supply your body with antioxidants to boost your immune system as well as reduce plaque build-up in the arteries.
Salmon & Omega 3
Eat wild caught Alaskan salmon at least once a week for an omega-3 boost. Salmon is rich in omega-3, the essential fatty acid that is known to reduce LDL levels in the blood and raise good cholesterol (HDL). Fish oil supplements contain essential fatty acids and may be taken instead of eating salmon. You can buy fish oil supplements at your local supermarket or health food store.