The Best Ways to Reduce Cholesterol Naturally

Cholesterol is a substance that is manufactured naturally in the body and is a necessary ingredient for making healthy cells, certain vitamins, hormones and for nerve insulation. However, when cholesterol levels in the blood became unbalanced, health problems can occur, such as increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Some causes of high cholesterol are eating high-fat foods, high levels of stress, being overweight and lack of exercise.
Approaching cholesterol reduction naturally has more positive benefits than negative ones. Making simple lifestyle changes will not only lower cholesterol levels but also increase health benefits.
  1. Lifestyle Changes

    • Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. Find some type of exercise that increases your heart rate but is not too strenuous and can be done routinely. Low-impact exercise is good for you, including walking, swimming, yoga, bicycling, jogging and aerobic activity. Before beginning any exercise program, check with your doctor first about what exercise program is right for you.

      If you are presently smoking, stop. Ingredients in cigarette smoke have a dangerous oxidizing effect on high cholesterol, as well as increase the need for antioxidants.

    Foods to Avoid

    • Reduce animal fats from your diet, such as red meat and high-fat dairy products. Only animal foods contain cholesterol, so logically speaking, foods that are high in animal fat are also high in cholesterol (although there are exceptions). Change from 2 percent milk or whole milk to 1 percent or skim milk. Consistently eating and drinking lower-fat foods helps lower cholesterol levels.

    Foods to Eat

    • Increase your dietary fiber. Some high-fiber foods include fruits, vegetable, beans and whole grains. These types of soluble fiber bind with cholesterol and eventually leave your body with the attached cholesterol. Other benefits of dietary fiber are that it controls blood sugar levels, lowers risk of digestive disorders and aids in weight loss. Eat good fats, including extra virgin olive oil and fish that is high in omega-3, or take fish oil supplements. Studies have shown that eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids or fish oil supplements lowers triglycerides, slows the hardening of the arteries and lowers blood pressure slightly.
      Some excellent foods to eat for lowering cholesterol are almonds, flaxseeds, oatmeal, garlic, apples (including the skin), beans (lentils), sweet potatoes, soy protein and psyllium husk. Eating foods that are high in complex carbohydrates help lower blood cholesterol naturally. Fruits and vegetables that are high in carbohydrates also contain substances that work as antioxidants that move cholesterol out of the body.
      Try baking, roasting, and grilling foods instead of frying them. Use vegetable oil sprays or a small amount of vegetable broth instead of butter to cook or sauté your meal.

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