Common Treatments for High Triglycerides
Lose Weight
If you are overweight, you can lower your triglyceride levels by losing weight. Getting to your ideal weight helps your metabolism and thus lowers triglycerides.
The American Heart Association recommends adding exercise to your lifestyle. Additionally, morning exercise has been shown to lower triglyceride levels in diabetic patients.
Lower your daily fat intake to less than 35%. You should substitute unsaturated fats for saturated fats.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
A diet high in Omega-3 fatty acids reduces triglyceride levels. Eat a lot of fish, almonds and flaxseed.
Green Tea
Green tea can help to reduce high triglyceride levels. Substitute green tea for other caffeinated and sugary drinks.
Niacin is often prescribed to help reduce triglyceride levels. For patients not responding to lifestyle adjustments, statins, bile-acid-binding resins or cholesterol-absorption inhibitors may be prescribed by your doctor.