Does Vegetable Oil Lower Blood Cholesterol Levels?
What Is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a normal and required substance in the body. It is a waxy and fat-like substance that is necessary in order to make cell membranes as well as certain steroid hormones. It is made in the liver and used to produce bile acids to help digest fat. Too much cholesterol, however, can build up in the bloodstream and eventually clog arteries, causing coronary heart disease. When plaque develops in the arteries and obstructs the blood flow, not enough oxygen can get to the heart. If a supply of oxygen is cut off for any length of time, a heart attack is inevitable.
Diet Affects Cholesterol Levels
There is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. The bad cholesterol is known as LDL, low-density lipoproteins, which delivers cholesterol to the body. HDL is high-denisty lipoproteins, which removes cholesterol from the body. Everything you eat contains one or the other. Cooking with butter and certain oils can be a risk for raising LDL levels in the blood. This is because butter and margarine are considered to be high in polysaturated fats. However, most of the oils made from nuts and vegetables are naturally lower in LDL levels. That is why vegetable oil is a healthy choice; it naturally lowers LDL.
Can Vegetable Oil Reduce Cholesterol Levels?
Vegetable oil is made from plants and plant products. Anything that contains vegetables or made with vegetables is healthier than the alternative. Plants make a product called phytosterols. Phytosterols are chemicals that block the intestines from absorbing cholesterol, which in turn lowers the levels of LDL in your blood. In researching vegetable oil and its affects on cholesterol, it has been found that using vegetable oil in your cooking reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
How Much Vegetable Oil Should You Eat?
Although vegetable oil has positive aspects, it should be taken in moderation. You can use several different oils to cook with, such as olive oil, which is another good oil, and corn oil.
It is always best to talk to your doctor before embarking on a new diet plan, especially if you have already encountered problems with your cholesterol. Creating a special diet is sometimes necessary to lower cholesterol levels, and your doctor may have a special diet for you to follow that will help you reach this goal. Your doctor will decide how much vegetable oil you should incorporate into your diet and how much will benefit you.