Simple Ways to Lower Cholesterol
Eating a bowl of oatmeal every day for an entire month has been proven helpful in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and improve good cholesterol, which is good news for your heart. Granola bars containing oats also will help fight bad cholesterol, although examining the ingredients is prudent to check for the saturated fat content as it may affect the desired result.
Simple changes in your diet can reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise good cholesterol (HDL). Adding beans and pulses to your diet every other day is an excellent way to reduce bad cholesterol by increasing your fiber intake. Salmon lowers your LDL while increasing your HDL, so eat plenty of salmon and be kind to your heart.
Regular exercise is important to help burn fat and cholesterol, and get your heart pumping. Firstly, check with your doctor to see if you are able to exercise without jeopardizing your health. When you have the okay to exercise, begin your exercise regimen slowly. Five minutes a day to begin with is fine. Gradually increase the amount of time that you exercise every day until you are exercising approximately thirty minutes per day.
Red Wine
Two glasses of red wine a day is said to reduce bad cholesterol, working like "Drano" for the arteries. It sweeps away plaque, the build-up that can cause blood clots. If wine drinking is not your cup of tea, take Resveratrol capsules daily. They are available at health food stores, online and in most supermarkets, working in the same way as red wine but without the buzz of an alcoholic beverage.