Statin Drug Dangers
Side Effects
Statin drugs have potential side effects, some of which might be quite serious. Elevated levels of CPK (creatine kinase) can lead to pain in the muscles, inflammation, feeling weak, weakness, breakdown of muscles, kidney damage, sexual side effects, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, sleep problems and rash.
Allergic Reactions
As with any medication, some people might be allergic to Statin drugs. Wheezing, chest congestion, hives, itching and swelling are symptoms of an allergic reaction, and should be reported to a doctor.
Drug Interactions
Any medication can interact with other medications, so the importance of telling your doctor about all of your medicine can't be overstated. Some of the medications Statin drugs might offer this sort of problem with include Protease Inhibitors, some antibiotics and fibric acid drugs.
Food Interactions
Many people don't consider there might be food interactions with medication, but the possibility is there. One common thing that might interact with Statin drugs is grapefruit and grapefruit juice.
When a Statin drug is prescribed, it is to be looked at as something you will take for the rest of your life. Most likely, unless there have been very significant changes to lifestyle, the medication is what is keeping the cholesterol down and should be continued indefinitely.